We are local historians, Marion Scott B.A., B.Ed. and Katherine Anne Scott PhD., who wish to promote the history of our village, Richmond Ontario, which is now a part of the city of Ottawa. Our aim is to provide free, accurate information as well as analysis to local residents, area school children and researchers.
Our short-term goal is to consolidate existing research on selected topics based on secondary sources, and also provide links to other web sites and local organizations already promoting village history. The most prominent organizations being the Goulbourn Township Historical Society which maintains archival material at the Richmond & Stittsville Branches of the Ottawa Public Library (access to this material is possible during regular library hours), and the Goulbourn Museum.
Our long-term goal is to facilitate access to primary documents and provide a vehicle for the dissemination of new research. We are open to revisions and additions to our material.
Many thanks to those people who have provided us with research tips and editing suggestions. A special thank you to our contributors: Joan Darby and James McTavish.
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